Workout Schedule

Below are the ranges of time that could be allotted for a specific activity in a workout


5-10 minutes of exercise such as walking, slow jogging, knee lifts, arm circles or trunk rotations. Low intensity movements that simulate movements to be used in the activity can also be included in the warm-up


a minimum of two 20-minute sessions per week that include exercises for all the major muscle groups


at least three 30-minute sessions each week that include exercises such as calisthenics, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and weight training for all the major muscle groups


at least three 20-minute bouts of continuous aerobic(activity requiring oxygen) rhythmic exercise each week.


10-12 minutes of daily stretching exercises performed slowly, without a bouncing motion.


 a minimum of 5-10 minutes of slow walking, low-level exercise, combined with stretching.

To maintain physical fitness

1. You must stick to your workout schedule. 

2. At least three balanced workouts a week are necessary to maintain a desirable level of fitness. 

3. In order to improve, you must increase the intensity, frequency and/or duration of your workout over periods of time. 

4. Train for the activity that you are most interested in and focus on the strengthening of the muscle groups involved in your selected activity

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